Tuesday, February 12, 2019

visually pleasing composition


ANS:Provide Visually Pleasing Composition with the following quantities

* Balance:

    create a screen balance by providing an equal weight of screen elements                         left,right,top and bottom.Balance can be illustarated in the figure as follows

                        figure 1.1 Balance vs Instability

  *  Symmetry:

                  create symmetry by replicating elements left and right of the screen center line

                                            figure 1.2 symmetry vs Asymmetry

       * Regularity:

  1) create regularity by establishing standard and consistency spaced horizontal and vertical alignment points
  2)Also use similar elements sizes,shapes,colors and spacing
figure 1.3 Regularity vs Irregularity

  * Predictability:

                   Create Predictability by Being Consistent and following conventional orders or arrangements.


figure 1.4 Predictability vs Spontanity

  * Sequentiality:

       1)provide sequentiality by arranging elements to guide the eye through the screen in an obvious,logical,rhythemic and efficient manner
2)the eye tends  to  be  attracted  to
          a)A  bright  element before  one  less  bright
          b)isolated   elements  before  elements  in  a  group
          c)graphics  before   text
          d)color  before   black   and  white 
          e)highly  saturated  colors  before those less saturated
          f)dark  areas before  light  areas
          g)a big element  before  a  small  one
          h)an   shape before  a usual one
          i)big  objects  before  little  objects

Image result for visually pleasing composition in hci sequentiality diagram

Related image

fig:-Sequentiality  vs  Ranomness

* Economy:

1)Provide economy by using as few styles,display techniques and colors as possible

Image result for images of visually pleasing compositions of economy in hci

Image result for images of visually pleasing compositions of intricacy in hci

                                       fig:-Economy vs Intricacy

*  Unity:

1)create  unity by
    a)using similar sizes,shapes,or colors for related information
    b)leaving less space between elements of a screen than the space left at the margins
Image result for images of visually pleasing compositions of unity in hci

* Simplicity:

1)Optimizes the number of elements on a screen ,within limits of a clarity
2)Minimize  the alignment points ,especially horizontal  or  vertical

                                         fig:-Simplicity vs Complexity

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visually pleasing composition

Q:EXPLAIN VISUALLY PLEASING COMPOSITION? ANS:Provide Visually Pleasing Composition with the following quantities                      ...